Dr. Erez Levanon from the Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel will be presenting a public lecture on A-to-I RNA editing at the New York Genome Center in Tribeca this Monday, December 18 from 4:00–5:30.
"The role of RNA modifications in gene regulation is becoming increasingly appreciated. RNA editing, specifically A-to-I editing by ADAR enzymes, is unique in altering not only the fate of the RNA molecule, but also the genetic information it contains (recoding)."
Ms. Ross is awarding extra credit to all Advanced Placement Biology students that attend. Science Research students will also receive extra credit if they attend and complete the usual assignment. Due to the technical nature of the lecture, only students who have completed or are currently enrolled in AP Bio may attend. Register online through the Eventbrite website. In addition, please email a screen shot of your ticket along with a photo of yourself at the event to Mr. Elert.