The STEM Matters NYC initiative offers authentic, experiential, hands-on science and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) enrichment programs for schools, teachers, and students to promote and reinforce science knowledge and practices, strengthen science teaching, and build schools’ capacity to support students pursuing careers in STEM fields.
Programs for high school students are at the NYC DOE’s Environmental Study Center and NYC Center for Space Science Education with connections to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and SUNY Old Westbury. Programs feature 2-week camps, high school internships, and a 4-week college credit bearing course. Programs run during July and August. Application deadline is Friday, April 28, 2017. High school programs require applicants to submit a Teacher Letter of Support, which is due on Monday, April 3. Click here to apply.
Plants and Society
- Environmental Study Center and SUNY Old Westbury
- Monday, July 10 to Thursday, August 3
- 9:00–12:00 Mondays through Wednesdays at the Environmental Study Center
- 9:00–04:30 on Thursdays at SUNY Old Westbury
An Introduction to Plants and Their Importance in Society is a lecture/laboratory course in plants and society. This course will introduce students to the diversity of form and function in plants. It will emphasize sustainability and plants’ importance in society. Group and individual projects will include the use of light and dissecting microscopes, study of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, cultivation of common vegetables, and exploration of vegetation. Students who have successfully completed Living Environment are invited to apply. Students who successfully pass this course will earn 4 SUNY College credits.
Earth Climate Institute
- NYC Center for Space Science Education
- Monday, July 31 to Friday, August 4
- 9:00–3:00 Monday through Wednesday
- 9:30–3:00 Thursday
- 9:00–1:00 Friday
Have you ever wondered how scientists study Earth’s changing climate? Did you know that NASA has a lot to do with it? Learn how NASA contributes to our understanding of climate by participating in the Earth Climate Institute. Students will explore climate change through the lens of NASA’s Earth Observing System, discover how remote sensing works, learn how the Earth Observing System satellites collect data, and use computer programs to investigate the meaning of the data. Students will also visit NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) to learn about careers at NASA and meet the scientists who are doing this research. On the final day of the Institute, students will take a simulated mission to the International Space Station, putting all they have learned to the test, as they work as a team to solve a developing crisis in Earth’s orbit to complete their mission and return safely back to Earth.
- Environmental Study Center
- July and August; multiple sessions available
- Teaching Assistant 8:30–3:30 every day
- Animal Care and Gardener Internship 8:30–1:30 every day
The Environmental Study Center (ESC) is looking for responsible, motivated, and energetic high school students to participate in an exciting internship opportunity. ESC offers a variety of internships including teacher assistants, gardeners, and animal care providers. Interns will create and complete a culminating project at the end of the internship. At the conclusion of the internship, students will receive a certificate verifying the number of hours worked and the contributions made to ESC.
- NYC Center for Space Science Education
- Two 2-week sessions available: Monday, July 10 to Friday, July 21 and Monday, July 24 to Friday, August 4
- 8:30–3:30 every day
Are you a high school student experienced with LEGO Mindstorms? Do you want to help teach younger students how to use it? The NYC Center for Space Science Education (NYCCSSE) is looking for responsible, motivated, and energetic high school students to participate in an exciting internship opportunity. Our weekly camps have an aerospace and robotics theme. Selected interns will work with elementary and middle school campers using LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robotic kits, and will create and lead a LEGO Mindstorms activity as a culminating project. At the conclusion of the internship, students will receive a certificate verifying the number of hours worked and the contributions made to NYCCSSE.