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NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium

Posted on Friday, February 19, 2016 by for Juniors, Sophomores.

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Interested in science research opportunities for high school students in NYC? The NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium of programs offer a chance to work closely with a scientist, collect and analyze data, present at conferences, and more. Here are some of their partner programs relevant to students in Science Research. Pay attention to the fast-approaching deadlines.

  • Center for K12 STEM Education logoApplied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE) is a 7-week summer program at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. This selective program is for academically strong, current 10th and 11th grade New York City students with a demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The program includes 3 weeks of college level coursework, 4 weeks in a high level research experience in one of several faculty labs, and mentoring in that placement by a graduate or postdoctoral student. Follow this link for a list of possible placements in 2016. Application Deadline: March 1, 2016.
  • Columbia University logoBrain Research Apprenticeships In New York At Columbia (BRAINYAC) is a mentored research program for 10th–12th graders run by the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. The program aims to open the resources of the Columbia University neuroscience community to a wider audience by placing high school students in neuroscience laboratories at Columbia University Medical Center for four weeks of mentored research. Students undergo training in basic lab skills and neuroscience fundamentals during Saturday afternoon sessions in the months preceding their laboratory placement. Enrollment is done through the State Pre-College Enrichment Program (S-PREP) at Columbia University Medical Center. Application Deadline: March 11, 2016.
  • CUNY/CREST logoHigh School Initiative in Remote Sensing of the Earth Systems Science & Engineering (HIRES) is a 7 week summer program of the CUNY Remote Sensing Earth System (CREST) Institute at City College. It offers high school students entering grades 10–12 an opportunity to work closely with scientists in the field and in labs, collect, analyze, and interpret (mostly satellite) data, present at conferences, and more. CREST research focuses on all aspects of remote sensing and topics include global climate studies, atmosphere and weather, water resources and land processes, and ocean and coastal waters. All students that complete the entire program will receive a $800 stipend and 3 college credits. Application Deadline: March 15, 2016.
  • AMNH logoScience Research Mentoring Program (SRMP) offers high school students the opportunity to join ongoing research projects lead by scientists at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Students interested in getting accepted for this science research experience must first take three After School Program Science Research courses offered at the museum. These courses prepare students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for doing science research. Students can choose between two concentration areas: Physical Sciences or Life Sciences. Application Deadline: April 1, 2016.
  • Wave Hill logoWoodland Ecology Research Mentorship (WERM) provides current freshman, sophomores, and juniors a unique opportunity to work with local ecologists and participate in ecological research projects. This program is coordinated by the Wave Hill public garden and cultural center in the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx. Students work 30 hours a week during the summer and meet on Saturdays during the school year. Application Deadline: April 3, 2016.