The Home of Midwood Science Research

Physics Bowl 2013

Posted on Monday, April 8, 2013 by for Extra Credit, Juniors, Seniors.

Hello Research Seniors and Juniors,

We will be holding the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Physics Bowl Period 9, Tuesday, April 16, 2013 in Room A320.

Participants in this competition take a 45 minute, 40 question multiple choice test written by the AAPT. This event is open to all students who are currently enrolled in an AP Physics class. Students in AP Physics B compete in the first year division, while students in AP Physics C compete in the second year division. (There is a slight difference in questions between the two divisions.) Awards are given to the top students and the top schools in a geographic region. All research students who participate will receive one half point of extra credit.

If you are interested in this event, see Mr. Spergel in room A300 (or email He will give you information on how to register and how to take the practice exam online.