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SEM image of the week: Only their hairdresser knows for sure

Posted on Monday, November 7, 2011 by for SEM.

Can you match the hair sample with the student? Answers in next week’s installment. (Click on any image to magnify.)

Student 1: Hair shaft Student 1: Dermal papilla (provides nourishment for the follicle)
Student 1: Hair shaft Student 1: Dermal papilla (provides nourishment for the follicle)
Student 2: Hair shaft Student 2: Root sheath
Student 2: Hair shaft Student 2: Root sheath
Student 3: Hair shaft Mert Keceli, Joanne Wen, Sara Saad
Student 3: Hair Shaft Image credit: Mert Keceli, Joanne Wen, and Sara Saad